Nitish Kumar Reddy's father, Mutyala Reddy, touched legendary Sunil Gavaskar's feet in an emotional meeting on the sidelines of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) after his son scored a maiden Test ton against Australia on Saturday in the ongoing fourth Test. Along with Mutyala, was his Nitish mother, sister and brother.In the video that went viral, Mutyala was seen going down on both knees and touched Gavaskar's feet before the duo hugged each other. The former India captain also greeted the other members of the Reddy family with folded hands and said “Bless you.”Watch Sunil Gavaskar in tears for Nitish Reddy“You know about the big sacrifices he made (in Nitish’s journey) and because of you I have tears in my eyes. India has found a gem in cricket because of you," Gavaskar said further in a voice subdued by emotions.Nitish’s mother, who was emotional too, told Gavaskar that she was still not able to believe that her son was playing at such a big venue and produced such a 'big innings'.Starting the day 4 at an overnight score of 105 not out, the 21-year-old Reddy could add just nine runs on Sunday and played a huge role in India cutting the deficit to 105 runs in reply to Australia's 474. India were all out for 369.Having scored a string of scores around forty in the first three Tests, Nitish came to bat on Day 3 after the fall of Rishabh Pant with India reeling at 191/6. He lost Ravindra Jadeja coon after before the Andhra Pradesh batter was joined by Washington Sundar as the duo added 127 runs for the eighth wicket to bail India out of the blushes.Also Read | Watch: Nitish Kumar Reddy meets family after maiden Test century in MelbourneReddy's hundred bring tears on Shastri's eyes Earlier on Saturday, former Indian coach Ravi Shastri too got emotional when Reddy reached his hundred. “More importantly, the way he batted, showcasing his talent and discipline, which is why you and Irfan were speaking (while commentating),” Shastri told Star Sports.
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