Ponting excited by return of cricket at 2028 Olympics

Speaking with host Sanjana Ganesan on The ICC Review, Ponting said he was excited by cricket's inclusion in the Olympics and the opportunity for the game to reach new audiences on a truly global stage.

“It can only be a positive thing for our game,” Ponting said.

“I've sat on various committees over the last 15 or 20 years and it's always been on the top of almost every agenda – how do we get the game back into the Olympics? And finally, it's there.

“It's only four years away. Once again, in the US by that stage, hopefully, with MLC (Major League Cricket), another four years down the track hopefully growing. Who knows, there might even be more teams in the MLC by then. I think it also gives cricket a chance to break into the grassroots level in the US. But the thing about the Olympic Games, I mean, it's not the host nation. It's about the audience that it opens up.

“The Olympic Games being viewed by so many people all around the world, it just opens up completely different audiences to our game that's seemingly growing on a daily basis anyway. It can only be a real positive thing for the game.

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