Pakistan are facing a race against time, as ICC can change the Champions Trophy 2025 venue exclusively to UAE. It is so because, the current condition of National Stadium in Karachi, Gadaffi Stadium in Lahore and the Rawalpindi Cricket Stadium in Rawalpindi is not up to the mark for the tournament, with the stadiums still under construction."Champions Trophy may be shifted entirely from Pakistan to UAE if PCB doesn't get their stadium ready by 25 Jan & ICC will inspect the same next week... so far the stadiums look far from ready, including the outfield," reported GS Vivek.What Is The Deadline For PCB?So, Pakistan Cricket Board now faces a huge challenge to get their stadiums ready as per the pre-set standards of ICC maximum by January 25. If they fail to do so, then the co-host UAE will be hosting the entire tournament.As for now, Pakistan will be hosting the majority of the matches, with India playing their matches in UAE.How Many Pakistan Stadiums Are Listed As Hosts For ICC Champions Trophy 2025?Pakistan Cricket Board is carrying the construction process at the following stadiums:National Stadium in KarachiGadaffi Stadium in LahoreRawalpindi Cricket Stadium in RawalpindiThese three stadiums are designated as venues for the ICC Champions Trophy 2025. The construction was scheduled to be finished by December 31, but Pakistan Crickt Board have crossed the designated date, and faces a stern challenge against the ultimate deadline.Not The First Time A Country Produces Shortcomings In InfrastructureCricket fans, let's go back a few months and you can recall the infamous USA incident where the country produced a series of messed-up situations related to infrastructure during the T20 World Cup 2024, which they co-hosted alongside West Indies.Coming back to Pakistan, the ICC Champions Trophy 2025 will commence from February 19, and by February 12, everything should be in place, else, Pakistan fans can pretty much extend their wait for a home ICC tournament.
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