Legendary cricketer Sunil Gavaskar said that there will be a strong demand for a revamped Test side if Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma fail to perform with the bat during India’s tour of Australia, starting on 22 November. Gavaskar expressed confidence in both Rohit and Kohli, describing the two ‘stalwarts’ as capable of staging a strong comeback after their disappointing performances in the recently concluded home series against New Zealand.advertisementSpeaking to India Today, a day after India suffered a 0-3 series defeat to New Zealand at home, Gavaskar pointed out that the pressure is mounting not only on Kohli and Sharma but also on the entire lineup of underperforming Indian batsmen.Kohli’s lean run continued at home, where he managed just 93 runs across six innings against New Zealand. Captain Rohit Sharma struggled even further, scoring only 91 runs in the three-Test series. With both key players faltering, India faced an unprecedented whitewash in a home series with more than two matches, marking a first in Test cricket history."Definitely yes. If they don't score runs in Australia, there will be a clamour for a new-look Indian team to start from the tour of England," Gavsakar said.He also emphasised that it will be harder for Rohit and Kohli to regain form if they do not commit to consistent practice and sufficient match play.The former India captain has been outspoken about the missed opportunities for both players to engage in domestic cricket prior to the home Test season.CAN KOHLI AND ROHIT BOUNCE BACK?Rohit and Kohli were initially expected to play the first round of the Duleep Trophy—a domestic red-ball tournament—before the two-Test series against Bangladesh in October. However, both opted out of the competition, while the other batsmen in the Test lineup participated."It's ticking for everybody. It's not just them. But, because they are in their 30s, or mid-30s, it will be tougher for them than the guys in the early 20s or early 30s. But, the clock is ticking for everybody. Which is why I say, the more you are playing, the more you will be prepared to meet the demands of modern-day cricket," Gavaskar said."Totally understandable (focus on Kohli and Rohit's failures). This is one of those rare series where both of them have not been able to score runs (Kohli and Rohit). Don't forget, Kohli got a 70 in the second innings in Bengaluru. It's just one of those rarities where both these stalwarts have not been able to make significant contributions," he added."Something like this... look, a bad patch comes to everybody. Sometimes, a couple of bad patches can happen. that's what sporting life is all about. But, how you come back from those bad patches tells how good a player you are and your character as a sportsperson. What we are going to see in Australia is really going to be interesting. What we are going to see in Australia will determine the future of the Test team," he added.India have named an 18-member squad for the five-Test Border-Gavaskar series, beginning on 22 November in Perth. The Test specialists will travel to Australia in the second week of November to acclimatise to conditions Down Under before the series opener. Although India had planned a warm-up match against an India A touring side, it was later cancelled. Instead, Rohit Sharma’s men will undergo centre-wicket match simulations in Perth to prepare for the first Test.Published By: Akshay Ramesh Published On: Nov 4, 2024
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