Glamorgan have sacked their head coach, Grant Bradburn, after allegations of inappropriate behaviour were made against the New Zealander. The Welsh county referred Bradburn to the independent cricket regulator following the allegations and the 58-year-old was subsequently charged with misconduct.“We are confident that a fair and transparent process has been followed in this case,” read a Glamorgan statement. “Glamorgan Cricket has a zero-tolerance policy towards discriminatory behaviour of any kind. Having completed our own internal investigation, it became clear that Mr Bradburn’s position was untenable, and the club is now providing the appropriate support to those affected.”The club’s chair, Mark Rhydderch-Roberts, added: “At Glamorgan Cricket we put the wellbeing of our people first and are providing support for those affected. We’re incredibly proud of our track record in terms of making sure that everyone who is involved with the club feel they are respected, belong and are treated fairly.”Hamilton-born Bradburn was an off-spinner who played seven Test matches and 11 one-day internationals for New Zealand between 1990 and 2001. Bradburn coached Northern Districts and the New Zealand Under-19s in his homeland before being appointed Scotland head coach in 2014.skip past newsletter promotion Sign up to The Spin Free weekly newsletter Subscribe to our cricket newsletter for our writers' thoughts on the biggest stories and a review of the week’s action Enter your email address Sign up Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy . We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. after newsletter promotionHe coached Scotland to an historic first victory against England in a 2017 ODI and had a brief spell as Pakistan head coach in 2023 before joining Glamorgan on a three-year deal last January. Bradburn led Glamorgan to One-Day Cup success in September and a fifth-place finish in the second division of the Vitality County Championship.
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